How to Meet and Greet a Dog
What would you do if you saw this handsome dog and wanted to go and say Hi!
He sure is handsome, and he looks really friendly with that tongue hanging out of his mouth.
This is a Golden Retriever, or Golden for short. Goldens are almost always nice dogs, but you should never just think a dog is going to be nice just because it's cute, or wagging it's tail, or hanging it's tongue out.
To meet a dog, you should walk slowly toward the adult with the dog and ask "Can I say hi to your dog? He sure is handsome! Can I pet him too?"
While you are talking to the adult, look at the dogs feet, or it's tail, or look at the adult.
If the adult says it's OK, hold your hand out with your palm facing down. Let the dog smell your hand. Dogs learn about things by smelling them.
After the dog has smelled your hand, you can pet him gently under the chin.
You might want to ask the adult if you can play with the dog. Maybe he has a toy or something the adult will let you throw for him. Maybe the dog will do a trick for you, like "Sit" or "Shake".
Some dogs might not want to say Hi. They might be busy working, or they might be sick, or maybe they are just a little bit scared.
If the adult says not to pet the dog, or to say Hi to the dog, you should thank them and leave. Never try to pet a dog if the adult says no.

But what if you see a dog like this running towards you?
Answer: Be a Tree
Stand very still, but cool and casual. Like you would stand waiting in a line to order lunch. Look up at the sky and look for a bird. Don't shout or talk, just . . .
Be a Tree
Dogs like to chase, and if you run, they dog will chase you and you could get hurt. So, don't get hurt, and don't get bit, just . . . Be a Tree!
Cool Things to Do!
You can learn more about meeting a dog with this online coloring book.
Whelping Box
Or, you can print the coloring book and use your crayons or markers.
* Coloring Book Meet and Greet from AKC.org Activities for Children, reproducibles covering responsible dog ownership.
